Sunday, February 12, 2012

why do we wear makeup? sexified eyes!!!

This is just the clean stuff we talked about at 8:30 in the morning in the Bakeshop. You don't even want to know where else we've been. 

(Okay sue me...there are some spelling errors on the cards but at least I got it going right on here).

February 12, 2012

What you learn @ 8:30 AM in the BAKESHOP.
   --When you have sex, your pupils dilate. We wear makeup to darken the area around our eyes to make our pupils dilate.
   --The limbal ring (that dark ring around the iris) is the key to sexy eyes. It's a sign of youth, for it grows  lighter with age. So, the darker the ring, the more alluring the eyes. THEREFORE makeup could also serve the purpose of making the limbal -->
ring look darker, especially for those who have eyes that change shades or colors. Since eyes' colors are affected by the surrounding environment, this could play a major part in sexifying eyes.

P.S. I wrote a poem last night, it's right under this post. A quick haiku that will take 3 seconds to read.

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