Thursday, February 23, 2012

Entrapment--Escape I'm on this deep thinking binge. On another plane, so to speak.


How do we escape from this entrapment we have set ourselves in?
Why do we so consciously remain entangled in a world we know we cannot possibly stand?
How do we find our freedom?
What is your personal solution?

Before continuing...CLICK THIS!!! and listen :)  --->   "Naked Cities" by Buke and Gass

As you ponder--listen to "Naked Cities" by Buke and Gass.
[drawing]: Point A-----just gonna take a sidetrack-----Point B; still thinkin' 
[symbol depicted next to figure is "Ohm"]


[drawing: 2/22]
My will--my wish--
drives me to try and find a movement to depict this. To depict how I feel.
While, at the same time, I search for a physical solution.

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