Monday, February 27, 2012

exploring my notebook


Found a little something in my Bible Myth notebook. Enjoy!

The desire to go on a journey can strike one quite suddenly and shockingly. How one goes about taking this journey, if they do indeed decide to take it, is a completely different story. Some may decide to drop all that they are doing and merely leave. Others may take years to do such a thing. It all depends on factors pertaining to the individual. For instance, are they to go alone? What sort of commitments have they tied themselves to? Are they of a spontaneous or docile demeanor? And where abbots do they plan to travel?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

the name of a goddess

Hah...Evan claims that he has no name meaning. He totally does. Just look it up here.


Sick--blah. Good news:
my name--Esther--
meaning: Persian word for "star"
OR Hebrew name for Babylonian & Assyrian goddess Ishtar, goddess of love, war, fertility, and a mother goddess.

P.S. Sorry my posts have been so boring lately...I haven't been 100% on top of things this week. BUT they'll get more exciting, I promise!

<--- So this is Ishtar

Saturday, February 25, 2012



GO UMASS! We won against UNH! 4-2!
Compared to last night (UNH: 3-2) it was amazing!
I was asleep till the 3rd period when my amazing father bought me coffee
I've enjoyed having my parents up this weekend. =)

By the way, I'm being totally silly right now. And ignore the poor depiction of a picture...I'm in a rush to do some studying (sad, I know).
Left to right: Mike, Abbey, Me, Evan, Andrey
(Makin' myself a focal point)
Me w/o caffeine...

Me w/ coffee: WOOOO!

Friday, February 24, 2012

crazy hockey night w/ the 'rents


I'm happy.
I'm tired.
Cold diet coke, the bass, & studying after hard core cheering @ the hockey game w/ my parents.

Me--I get nuts.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Entrapment--Escape I'm on this deep thinking binge. On another plane, so to speak.


How do we escape from this entrapment we have set ourselves in?
Why do we so consciously remain entangled in a world we know we cannot possibly stand?
How do we find our freedom?
What is your personal solution?

Before continuing...CLICK THIS!!! and listen :)  --->   "Naked Cities" by Buke and Gass

As you ponder--listen to "Naked Cities" by Buke and Gass.
[drawing]: Point A-----just gonna take a sidetrack-----Point B; still thinkin' 
[symbol depicted next to figure is "Ohm"]


[drawing: 2/22]
My will--my wish--
drives me to try and find a movement to depict this. To depict how I feel.
While, at the same time, I search for a physical solution.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

today: deep thinking


As we live our lives, do we take the time to notice what else we an see? Do we bother to look beyond what is clearly in front of us? Do we bother to listen? When shell we hear/look/listen/feel/notice/realize what goes beyond, what goes deeper, and what really is an indescribable sensation?

Look up [an] image(s) that fit(s) what I just posted.

the late great 2/21

So yesterday was hell...for my head. 

The delayed, great Feb 21, 2012

Giant migraine yesterday. I think that's excuse enough to delay a notecard.
When you feel like your head is splitting open, you are incapable of doing anything.

2 pills
2 cups o' Joe
2 glasses Coke 0

[me] The moves

Monday, February 20, 2012

feel better abbey!

Let's get a medicine man up in here, yo!


"My nose has wet things in it--chunky things."

I hope you feel better Abbey! 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

HAH! i kicked my own ass.

So I ran today...I ran A LOT.


12.3 Mi! 
Time: 2:05 HR <--I don't care. 
I just ran over 12 miles!

"slappa da bass"


Learning the bass all over agin. 
Like I've tried to do so many times before. 
For real, this time.
And look at all of the notecards I found lying around in my room!

Me: "Geez...Dad has to realize I think like a flautist, not a guitarist."
Chillin' on the floor, yeah!

For those of you who don't know, flautists get a focus in chords, but I feel as if there's more of a focus on scales. We have to go through all of that fast fingering that's ridiculously fast.  I also have to switch my brain over from treble clef to bass clef.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

the destruction of penguins

Hanging out with my family tonight was awesome! Happy birthday, Grandpa! Anyway, my little cousins are adorable. I have some videos of them, but I won't post them in respect to my elder cousins. They probably don't want their adorable children posted all over the internet. Totally understandable. But let me just say...they were running around the living room and making sounds pretending to be speed boats. It was so cute!

Feb 18, 2012

So I've got my family in on the assassination of a particular penguin. But the conversation that surrounded it was funnier than anything else. There was also some serious discussions involving vampires, camping in the middle of nowhere, and sexism. All in all, the best conversation I've had with my family in a long time if not the best ever.

P.S. We also discussed, briefly, why Humanities and Fine Arts majors don't make good partners. They're too focused on themselves.
Left to right: Seth, me, John, Aunt Ellen, Mom
In conclusion, how do you assassinate a penguin? Well, there's many ways. As for camping in the middle of nowhere, I shall not reveal that yet. And vampires, well...let's not get into the whole why Twilight sucks but is a great escape series for those who can look past Meyer's writing style and the interaction between her characters. There was also some discussion as to what I used to write when I was in high school, but that's something to be revealed much farther in the future.

So, anyway, judge the humanities people on your own. This was all said in fun and sarcasm because Seth is an Art major and I'm an English major. It's just a generalization of what I've observed of the peers I've met in my own field. Those that seem to think they're far greater than everyone else. However, there are the exceptions! I've met some pretty awesome ones.

the late February 17th

Okay, so the 17th's notecard was made, but I was too tired to turn on my laptop and post it. I got this awesome new video recording device, so there's a video of me playing around with it for kicks and giggles, you don't really have to care. 
P.S. I've just been corrected. It's not a tank...It's a Paladin.

 Feb 17, 2012

Saw a tank as I drove home today--what?!
Too tired to really--whatever. Haha.
Sparring--2 matches. 3-0 each time--me. ;)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

too tired -_-

Short and sweet. I'm beat. ( rhymed).

February 16, 2012

So tired...I took a nap this morning.
I kept forgetting what time it was so I woke up every 30 seconds afraid I was going to miss class.
Despite the alarm that was set.

1) zzzzzzz (sleeping)
2) Me: CLASS!
3) (checks watch) Time...
4) (falls back to sleep) zzzzzzzz

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

i "had" a dream

So as I'm getting my salad at lunch today, Abbey walks up to me to see how I'm doing. I look at her and say, "So...this is why I believe...I had a dream last night...I never dream, it's got to be important." This is kind of the conclusion we came to.
I had a dream--discussion with Abbey brought us to this conclusion:
I should listen to her.
XD Wonder how long that'll last! 

It probably won't last, by the way. I just get lost in lala confusion land after I've had an overly logical moment.

In my sleep I'm dreaming of, "Stuff. Whatever. Moo."
I tell Abbey: Blabla
And the conversation that follows is...Abbey: I just said that!
                                                           Emmy: What does this mean?
                                                           Abbey: You should listen to me!

I think she would have come up with this conclusion no matter what my dream was. :) 

P.S. I need some new people to write about...GINA!!! (Va---GINA) I miss you, my love!!! My dawg, my home skillet biskit, yo! G, my dealuh, my bro. Come back to me! Stop going to school in Montclair! Go to UMass <3
P.P.S. Gina...I told you we need to discuss; this relates.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

it's vday, time to study

V-Day single peoples! TIme to study your ass off; meanwhile I'm getting distracted by Abbey, Evan, and Andrey. 
P.S. I got to be a test subject!!!


Dear Abbey
       Stop getting distracted.
       Go buy me chocolate.
Happy V-Day everyone. Throw heart shaped cookies at people and learn a new language. =)

Monday, February 13, 2012

defiling evan's laptop XD

Well, Evan...while you were out...we did some stuff to your laptop :) <3 ~Abbey & Emmy~

February 13, 2012

Evan abandoned his laptop.
If we could, Abbey & I would ambush it with awkwardness.
Instead, we ate all the popcorn.
P.S. Who's got the crack?


                                      Emmy & Abbey *we signed it; Abbey licked it*


EMMY                                                               ABBEY

And here's us defiling it. <3
Emmy punching it
Abbey sitting on it

an awesome commentary on getting laid

So I just met Raeann today, yayyy!!! 
She's great :) 
Anyway, so I'm sitting in the DC for 5 hours because various people run into me while I'm trying to do work, and then I end up staying till they leave, try to do more work, and more people show up. So...the result ended with Greg and Raeann. I loved her shirt, by the way, and we were talking about the book of Esther. The result...

February 13, 2012

Raeann: I'm never gonna get laid! No matter how good my shirt is.
Emmy: Just go to Xerxes, you'll get laid.
Greg: My middle name is Xerxes.
Emmy: .....Smooooth.

(my shitty recreation as follows)

---> Quick shit interpretation
(left: Emmy) "Smooooth."
(right: Raeann & Greg)

The guy @ some booth earlier...
Obviously not.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

why do we wear makeup? sexified eyes!!!

This is just the clean stuff we talked about at 8:30 in the morning in the Bakeshop. You don't even want to know where else we've been. 

(Okay sue me...there are some spelling errors on the cards but at least I got it going right on here).

February 12, 2012

What you learn @ 8:30 AM in the BAKESHOP.
   --When you have sex, your pupils dilate. We wear makeup to darken the area around our eyes to make our pupils dilate.
   --The limbal ring (that dark ring around the iris) is the key to sexy eyes. It's a sign of youth, for it grows  lighter with age. So, the darker the ring, the more alluring the eyes. THEREFORE makeup could also serve the purpose of making the limbal -->
ring look darker, especially for those who have eyes that change shades or colors. Since eyes' colors are affected by the surrounding environment, this could play a major part in sexifying eyes.

P.S. I wrote a poem last night, it's right under this post. A quick haiku that will take 3 seconds to read.

late night poetry

I know...another post. *sigh* I wrote a quick haiku. 

*Why does my heart beat faster?
It's that hope for something more.*

Saturday, February 11, 2012

thank you, evan...

Remember how there was a discussion about the world? Yeah, that was Evan and Andrey for the most part while I tiredly sat on the side and attempted to give input. But I just got the perfect Facebook post with a part of that conversation embodied in this hilarious picture.

feb. 11: from midnight to twilight

These past 24 hours...nuts. Just saying. But it's been awesome. 

February 11, 2012


Contact (learned it). Philips. Ultimate game of basketball. Emotions. Massages. Wings.
       Good night.
       Work @ 7.
Oh yeah, and a serious discussion on the world. AND Hillel; 1st time. 

INTENSE B-Ball w/ Evan, Abbey, Andrey, Talia, & me.
So--I found out 2 things last night.

1) I'm way too violent when I play sports. 
       (Sorry guys!)
2) I give awesome massages.

       UMass Hockey--
v. Providence. That game sucked.
Talia ditched :/ NEXT TIME!
Pulled Andrey away from legit work and everything for it. (Sorry! :/ )
Mike and I got on the fan cam!
       That was the most exciting part--sadly.


Mike flippin' the bird. 
Me going nuts. -- Woo! 

P.S. Courtesy of the UMass Police Department. Thank you for the riot in Southwest over the Giants (YEAH!) winning the Superbowl.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Feb 10, dancin' my ass off!

Got down and dirty doin' floor work, choreography, and practicing. 

February 10, 2012

Dancing my ass off in Van Meter for Scripts and Scores. 
Practicing Lila's piece.

Getting myself pumped for an awesome friday night while choreographing "bits."

A self portrait.